I don’t like to complain online. (Disclaimer: I can be a real curmudgeon at times in real life. Just ask my family.) But online? Nah. There are so many with more challenges and difficulties than me. Sometimes when I look at social media, my heart aches. Often, it breaks. Life is truly hard right now for a lot of people.
So, I hope I don’t sound like I’m complaining, but I did want to give this post a little context. In the past couple of weeks, our air conditioner broke, our car wouldn’t start, and our lawnmower is now with the angels. We’ve been battling ants and earwigs (which is a really strange name for those little pincher bugs), and I found out I’m (now) severely allergic to mosquito bites. Our rose bushes are not in the best shape after winter and a cute little orphaned bunny moved into our garden (we named him Milford) and subsequently devoured one of our plants. (This despite a quart of nontoxic rabbit deterrent spray. Milford obviously has a spicy palate.) After finding a bunch of weird photos on my phone, I realized a scammer had ‘shared’ them with me. (No, it wasn’t porn. It was bitcoin stuff. Ugh. Deleted and reported.) I also found a hairline crack in my brand-new glasses. Then, I was kinda left out of something I thought I’d be a part of and a program that I’ve loved for years isn’t going to be anymore. (I wish the organizers all the best, just sad for the community.)
Oh, and I received a rejection, although it was a personal one, so I’ll take that as a win, as pathetic as that sounds.
Oof. That really sounded like I was complaining, didn’t it? Sorry.
The reason I wanted to outline this is because I woke up this morning feeling a bit down. What usually makes me feel better (besides chocolate) is a nature walk. A change of scenery. The path less taken, right? It was a beautiful morning too. So, off I ventured. I could hear the birds in the woods, but sadly, I didn’t see any.
Just as I thought, no better from this side, bemoaned my inner Eeyore.
I sighed and trudged back to the street, my camera tucked away, my head down. And lo and behold, I saw art. Ribbons of tar, meant to fix the road, stretched before me, like drizzled ink on paper. And I immediately thought of Guy Olivieri and his amazing seeing stories in the stone where this brilliant artist treats us to creations he imagines in the everyday rock, concrete, and puddle formations that many would simply pass by. By doing so, he inspires us to do the same. Whipping out my phone, I snapped a couple of pictures and skipped home to try my hand.
This one intrigued me. What do you see?

I saw a rock singer wailing on his guitar:

You really need to check out what Guy produces, as he does that neat little video progression to show his process. And his illustrations are *chef's kiss*! I do hope I've done him proud. (You really should try this. It's a lot of fun!)
What I've learned is that it’s important to look around no matter what path we take: the ones less traveled as well as the ones we take for granted.
Join me?
P.S. While I was writing/working through this, my sweet husband came home with these, with the message: I believe in you. As beautiful as the flowers are, they don’t come close to the beauty of his heart. I am one lucky Lady. Love you, Tramp.

Love it. I saw a little man looking over the edge... ❤️ Tramp